Welcome to Gordo’s Photos

A place to share pictures with friends and family and to hopefully brighten up some days as well as some empty wall spaces. 

When I was a kid, my mom taught me how to use her camera and I joined in her excitement when she captured a good shot of a flower or a bird. I quickly learned to let my brother wake me up at 4am and hike into the mountains to catch the first rays of morning light reflecting off of the rocks, off of the lake, and off of the lens of my camera. I was always excited to get home and share the pictures and my experiences with my mom. These days, my super model dog, Calais, and I tend to find the good spots on our own, but each shot shares a story and holds a memory. Here are some of my favorites.

- Dave “Gordo” Megorden

Contact and Follow

Dave Megorden

(406) 600-4370
