Dave “Gordo” Megorden
I was given the travel bug at birth - born in Germany to a military family - our life was always on the move. My mom was a biology teacher and a photographer, so my brother and I were encouraged to run around in the woods to learn, explore, and enjoy nature. We never got in trouble for getting dirty or ruining clothes, and we had a lot of freedom, as long as we were back before the streetlights turned on. While in college in Colorado, my brother and I started traveling all over the western states in an old Toyota Corolla, which we had to fill with oil pretty much every time we filled it with gas. My brother was on a mission to see all the things he had seen in magazines, visit every national park, catch a fish in every river, and climb every mountain. We had pretty sad cameras that we drug around with us on our adventures, taking film and slide photos was a passing thought. The first time I took a picture I thought was pretty good, was an accidental photo in the fog as we crossed Cross Creek on our climb up Holy Cross. After that, I started upgrading cameras, and soon our trips were centered around good spots to take photos of sunrises and reflections. We even started “Megorden Brothers Photography”, but we mostly just matted and framed pictures for people. With the advent of affordable printing companies, I started printed my pictures on canvas, and sharing them with friends and family. This site was created to show which pictures are available, encourage travel, exploration, and the appreciation of nature. Plus, it gives me a reason to take my dog for a walk, alright Calais, let’s go.